Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kid-Speak - Can I Enter My Kid's World?

Do you find yourself resorting to the same old, tired queries into your child's daily experience?

"How are you today?"
"How was school today?"
"What did you learn today?'

Blah, blah, least, this MAY be what our kids perceive us to be saying!  Well, we can trust God to come to our aid when we ask, so perhaps it's time to ask for help in connecting easier, more deeply.  And if He should choose to bless a strategy, here's one to try:

Check out the following blog post for several questions to experiment with in getting to the hearts of your children.

May God bless the afternoon snack time....and our efforts at loving our children!

25 Ways to Ask Your Kids....

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year, New Info...and good reminders!

1.  Keep up with events and activities by perusing our Dates to Remember page - see above.

2.  It's Cold & Flu season, and no one knows that better than YOU - parents of young children!  Please read our Wellness Indicator list - see above - so that we can partner with you to help keep our kids healthy and happy.

3.  Did you know that Heidi Sweet is a nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing?  She brings true expertise and combines it with diligence and love for our families to keep our Children's Ministry spaces clean and sanitized.

4. Community Hour begins again this Sunday, January 11 at 9 AM! 
  •  Faithful to All His Promises in full swing. 
  • We Belong to Jesus is the new unit for Preschool Community.  This will help our 3s and 4s understand that God created the world and us!  He gave all authority to Jesus, and so we belong to Jesus:  Our hands, our feet, our eyes, our ears, our hearts belong to HIM. 

 Sunday in Review:  Sunday, January 4th
Children's Worship
  • Heaven Breaks Through- Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist.
  • Jesus never sinned. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
  • Led by Randa Nader.