Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fall in Love....Read.


I love books.
I love books in the sun.
I love books on the run.
I love books at my school.
I love books by my pool.
On a picnic blanket, laying in the grass.
On a bouncy trampoline, stopping to rest, at last.
How do you love your books?

Are you familiar with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?  I have no clue what the first law is (some of you are mentally informing me as you read).  But I do know the 2nd law, and this premise just really lights my fire, in a good way!  I love it because it makes sense of the disorder of life.  The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - in my words - states that anything left to itself tends toward a state of disorder.  This is encouraging and instructive.  Why, you ask?  Because it explains why my home and car tend toward states of disorder.  Why my brain does.  Why my heart does!  This encourages me because it is normal- expected, even.

This 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is instructive, too.  It teaches me to prepare for the disorder and plan accordingly.  So, my son cleans my ultra-cool minivan each Saturday.  My daughter runs the vacuum.  (Teaching life skills and conquering disorder!)

What do books and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics have in common?  Well, in our house, we like to read.  We also like a bit of laziness.  So you put the two together and we end of reading anything and everything that crosses our path; this does not amount to quality literature ("Trending on Facebook" sidebar is so tempting!)  Our intentions to read great books start strong...... but start to slide.  

If this sounds like you, have no fear!  A quality summer reading list is here.
On the opposite spectrum and rarely read?  Take heart!  An engaging list is here.

The following links contain great books with which you just may fall in love.

Register for VBS!

How to Register For VBS at Christ Community Church 
& What is Required for Serving in VBS:

1) Registration:
(Necessary for every child entering 5th grade or younger, even those needing childcare.)

2) Medical Release:
(Necessary for every child and teen at VBS.)

              All Youth Who Desire to Serve in VBS:

                   *Mandatory VBS Training Time 
           on Saturday, June 6th - 10 am til noon
                           Snacks Provided!
                   Meet your leader and team

This meeting is also for adults who will serve as area leaders,                 Art Track and Sports Track, and as small group leaders.


*If you are unable to attend, you must come to the make-up 
meeting on Sunday, June 14th at 9 am  til 10:15am.
**Failure to attend one of these meetings (for youth) will result in not serving in VBS.  

 Led by Sara Nist and Mike Veitz.