Knees slightly bent.
Both hands on the racket, held out at the waist.
Eyes focused ahead.
Assume the ready position!"
This summer, my sweet ten year old wanted to get in on the family action of tennis matches, so I sought to teach her the basics. The Ready Position is fundamental to tennis - it all starts here! In this stance, you are balanced, alert, and ready to receive what is coming. Since this is not ultimately a blog about tennis, I feel an analogy coming, too. Are you, er, ready?
This fall, I signed up for a women's Bible study at church. This was not a terribly difficult decision: I had the time, I like spending time with women, and I believe the Bible to be good for me. In the spirit of full disclosure, I should add that I was not especially enthusiastic about this particular study: "The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis." Oh....Genesis. Where it all starts. Yes, I am familiar with Genesis. You, too? Gardens with forbidden fruit. Animals marching two by two. Sigh. Enthusiasm waned a wee bit, but I plunged into the study nonetheless. I completed weekly lessons; I participated in weekly gatherings. In short, I assumed the "Ready Position!"
Now seven weeks into this study, I stand corrected. This study has been anything but been there-done that. "Seeing Jesus in Genesis" has required being firmly planted in the Bible for long periods of study time. Both hands have been on the Bible as I flip from Genesis to Revelation and everywhere in between. Re-reading Scripture like hidden treasure. Seeing Christ with fresh and focused eyes. Knees bending under the weight of who this great God is. Ultimately, taking the ready position of worship.
In tennis, you show up to play. You are not in control of what is coming your way, but there is a stance you take to be ready. This is analogous to the Christian life: We have shown up to play - we have accepted the invitation to come. God is in control and yet he has given us clear instruction on how we assume the ready position to receive. It has to do with His Word; being in community with other believers in Christ; focusing on the person of Jesus and expecting Him to show up (asking Him to show up!). We bow our knee in worship of the One who is and who was and who is to come.
Game on.