Tuesday, September 30, 2014

You've Got Mail.... & a Magnet!

 Parents and Grandparents, 

We know you appreciate the time and investment that Children's Ministry teachers and small group leaders give to your family.  Now we have a simple, sweet way for you to easily express your thanks:  

  • Check out the white mail box in the Children's Wing.  
  • On top you will find envelopes and cards.  
  • Encourage your child to take one, write his/her teacher or leader a note, or draw a picture.  
  • Then, with the name clearly printed on it, place it in the mailbox.  Heidi Sweet and I will be checking it weekly to deliver the notes and cards to our awesome team members!
  • Thank you for participating in this fun exchange!

Have you had ambitions for family Bible memory yet fallen a little short of your goal?  I know our family has.  

We are seeking to make Scripture memory a priority in an easy, accessible way.  As a church, we will memorize John 15:1-5 this year. 

Get a jump on it and grab your *family's copy of the Memory Verse Magnet yet.  Look for them in the lobby this Sunday.  

*One per family; these hot commodities are going fast!

Sunday In Review - Sept. 28

Rooted In Jesus
  • Children sang songs like:   “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “The  Caterpillar Song,”  and “The B-I-B-L-E."
  • Children learned that God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us grow.
  • Preschool Community is led each week by Mike and Doris Alderink
  • Music is led by Heidi Sweet
  • Teachers are Nancy Richter and Sara Nist

Faithful to All His Promises
Kids' Community

  • Worshiped with our student band, VOO, and the entire Student Community Group!
  • Kids learned that God has to make promises to even unbelievers.
  • Kids learned that because hell is a real place, our hearts are all the more grateful for Jesus's death and resurrection, paying our price so that we don't have to, but instead get salvation and heaven.
  • Kids’ Community is led by two teams that each serve twice monthly:

1) Lisa Burkes - teacher, Barbara Mussler- girls’ leader, Andy Nist - boys’  leader
2) Kristin Livermore - teacher, Patti Fraley - girls’ leader, Todd Barrett- boys’ leader

Children's Worship

  • "A New Beginning" was the story of Noah and the flood God sent- God's grace was the cause of saving his people, not people's goodness.
  • Gen. 6:5, "The LORD saw that the human heart was only evil." 
  • Memorizing Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,  Deuteronomy
  • Thanked God for sending Jesus to solve the problem of sin in the world and for promising to one day make the world perfect again.
  • Led by Pastor Steve Sandvig and Mr. Chuck Boots

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sunday In Revew - September 21

Rooted In Jesus
  • Children sang songs like:   “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “The  Caterpillar Song,”  and “The B-I-B-L-E” and created a finger-painted thumb-print tree.
  • Children learned that "We love because He first loved us!" (1 John 4:19)
  • Preschool Community is led each week by Mike and Doris Alderink
  • Music is led by Heidi Sweet
  • Teachers are Nancy Richter and Sara Nist

Faithful to All His Promises
Kids' Community

  • Worshiped with our student band, VOO, and the entire Student Community Group!
  • Kids learned that God makes promises to individuals
  • Kids learned that Christians are descendants of Abraham by faith and heirs of the promise.
  • Kids’ Community is led by two teams that each serve twice monthly:

1) Lisa Burkes - teacher, Barbara Mussler- girls’ leader, Andy Nist - boys’  leader
2) Kristin Livermore - teacher, Patti Fraley - girls’ leader, Todd Barrett- boys’ leader

Children's Worship

  • "The Terrible Lie" was our story from the JSB - Satan lied; Adam and Eve disobeyed.
  • Gen. 6:5, "The LORD saw that the human heart was only evil." 
  • Memorizing Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,  Deuteronomy
  • Thanked God for sending Jesus to solve the problem of sin in the world and for promising to one day make the world perfect again.
  • Led by Matt and Sarah Perkins.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Prayer and Praise

The Power and Sweetness of God's Presence

God longs for his people to draw near in prayer, yet so many obstacles seem to stand in our way, right?  Crazy-busy schedules, looming deadlines, doubt-filled hesitations. Can I recount how I experienced Prayer and Praise last Thursday?  

Call it, "Sorry Start with a Sweet Ending!"

The week began Sunday night with me pouring over my calendar, fear gripping my gut. Each day was filled to overflowing; my husband out of town; commitments to be honored that I hadn't wanted to make in the first place!  Ugh.  My kids and I (and our blasted dogs) make it through each day- some blessings, some bumps.  Growing increasingly tired, though (and actually crashing on my bed in the middle of a few afternoons!).

Thursday arrives, full but good.  I know Prayer and Praise is part of the evening's plan, yet I start feeling the familiar tug-of-war in my mind:  

"I do want to go.  I am going to go."  
"I don't think we're going to go.  Not tonight."
"I should go.  I should take the kids."
"Actually, is it more God-honoring to stay home?  We're tired. I'm grumpy."
"Wow- I am very aware of my sin today.  I better not go; I'd be a hindrance to the group."
"Mom, we're going to Prayer tonight, right?"
"Yeah, Mom, I want to go try it!"
"We're going."

As we are driving along, the Holy Spirit gently, distinctly calls me back to truth.  I don't go to prayer all spiritually cleaned-up.  I go to prayer and am reminded that Jesus has made me clean.  I don't go to prayer to do God a favor.  I go to prayer and am reminded that God has favor for me through the immense grace shown at the Cross.  I don't go to prayer to be a fantastic intercessor for big needs.  I go to prayer and am reminded that Jesus Christ lives to always intercede on my behalf.  WOW.

We pull in the parking lot, and I am still somewhat hesitant.  Slowly but surely, a band of brothers and sisters, sons and daughters collect to sing praises, read scripture selections, and pray.  We are invited to praise God with short phrases: "God I praise you for ___________."  I don't pray out loud, yet I agree silently with the adoration lifted up around me. Prayers are punctuated with the occasional squeaks of toddlers and whispers of young children.  We sing some more.  My tired heart begins to be again drawn near to my Savior.  I am so glad we came.  

We end with ten - fifteen minutes of walking around the building, praying in small groups for those that will fill these rooms this weekend and beyond.  My sorry start had such a sweet ending!  I got to stay in the Children's Worship room, praying in unity; thanking God for our people (old, young, and in-between!); asking Him for big things.  Literally praying with three precious little girls, a handful of teenage boys, and  gracious adults.... in their midst, I was blessed to experience the power and and sweetness of God's Presence.  

I hope this for you, too.  

It's not perfection we seek or bring in prayer, but God's power, provision, and presence.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Song Preview: New Album from Seeds Family Worship


Sunday in Review - Sept 14

Rooted In Jesus
  • Children sang songs like:   “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “The  Caterpillar Song,”  and “The Gospel Fuzzies.”
  • Children learned that Jesus is the True Vine and God is the gardener, and we smelled, touched, and talked about this using a tomato vine.
  • Preschool Community is led each week by Mike and Doris Alderink
  • Music is led by Heidi Sweet
  • Teachers are Nancy Richter and Sara Nist

Faithful to All His Promises
Kids' Community

  • Worshiped with our student band, VOO, and the entire Student Community Group!
  • Worked on memorizing  Psalm 100.
  • Kids learned, “What is a Promise?”
  • Kids’ Community is led by two teams that each serve twice monthly:

1) Lisa Burkes - teacher, Barbara Mussler- girls’ leader, Andy Nist - boys’  leader
2) Kristin Livermore - teacher, Patti Fraley - girls’ leader, Todd Barrett- boys’ leader

Children's Worship

  • “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
  • Jesus was with God in the beginning!
  • Memorizing Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,  Deuteronomy
  • Thanked God for what we appreciate in the created world!
  • Led by Nene Akinbola and Lucie Nader

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sunday in Review: September 7th, 2014

9 AM 

Preschool Community - Rooted in Jesus - 3 year olds - Pre-kindergarten

Our little ones were assimilated into their spaces for play and for hearing their lesson  (two different rooms for variety).  

  • Preschool Community is led each week by Mike and Doris Alderink
  • Music is led by Heidi Sweet
  • Teachers -rotate weekly- are Nancy Richter and Sara Nist

 Kids’ Community  -  Faithful to All His PromisesK - 5th grade
Kids  were introduced to their adult teacher and small group leaders. They played a name game, heard an overview of what promises they will learn, and began to memorize Psalm 100.  
Helpful Follow-up:  Each Sunday after church, talk with your child about the promise of God s/he learned.

Kids’ Community is led by two teams that each serve twice monthly: 
1) Lisa Burkes, Barbara Mussler, Andy Nist 
2) Kristin Livermore, Patti Fraley Todd Barrett

11 AM - Children’s Worship - Jesus Storybook Bible - ages 4-8 years old
 Children were re-introduced to the Jesus Storybook Bible and were taught that all of the Bible is useful for all of life, and that central to the Bible is Jesus!  They learned that though the Bible  contains rules, it is not merely a rule book; though the Bible contains hero stories, it is not merely a  hero tale;  all of the Bible points to Jesus!

  • We began memorizing the books of the Old Testament:  We will seek to learn   5-6 per month from September 2014 through August 2015.
  • Our prayer time gave each child the opportunity to thank God for one thing.
  • Helpful follow-up:  Ask your kids, “Why do we read the Bible?”  Because this is one key way we grow to know Jesus better.

New Children's Check-In - register online today!

    New, web-based Children's Check-In

Christ Community Church is implementing KidCheck, a web-based, simple & secure check-in system.  Parents, please register at your convenience from your home computer, tablet or smart phone.  See link below to register for free.

Children's Ministry will provide registration stations for your use Sunday, September 14th and 21st in the lobby should you forget to register.

Why change to a new system?  The answer is simple:  KidCheck simplifies your check-in process and enhances our safety and security.  Parents will be able to check-in two easy ways:
  1. Enter your 10 digit phone number at Check-In Counter     -OR- 
  2. Simply scan your KidCheck key tag (assigned to you by a staff member- Heidi Sweet or Sara Nist).Click on the assigned Children's Ministry room.
  3. Receive a name label for your child and a parent receipt for you. 
  4. Done!
Other benefits of KidCheck:
  • Easy-allergy alert:  While children without allergies will have their name with a white background with black text as usual, children with allergies will have their name with a black background with white lettering.  This immediately alerts a child's caregiver and gives you more peace of mind.
  • Note:  While all of CCC Children's Ministry is gluten-free in snacks served, we want to take every precaution for the well-being of our little ones.
  • Guardian alert:  We understand there can be difficult circumstances in which it is necessary to explicitly state which adults may have permission to pick-up your child.  KidCheck helps you make this very clear.
  • Fast Note:  Upon check-in, you have the option of adding a special note which will appear on child's name label. "Fussy from teething" for example, or "Potty Training" will help us give your child more-intentional care!

Thank you for your participation.
If you have any questions, please see Heidi Sweet or Sara Nist, or shoot us an e-mail.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Fall Kick-Off - September 7th - 9am

Fall Kick-Off - Sunday September 7th - 9 AM

Come join us for a delicious breakfast (with gluten-free options!). At 9:30am, Parents, take your children to check out our newly-arranged spaces, meet your teachers and small group leaders! Once your kids are checked-in and situated, we welcome adults to head to  the Community Group that beckons you, or come back to the breakfast area and hear more about your options.

Sneak Peak for Parents & Kids:  Take a look!

Infant Nursery - first room off the main hallway - birth to 2 yrs


Preschool Room - 2 to 4 yrs


Kids' Community Room - Kindergarten to 5th grade


Outside PlaySpace - a great place for parents & kids to gather!