Rooted In Jesus |
Children sang songs like: “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “The Caterpillar Song,” and “The B-I-B-L-E."
Children learned that God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us grow.
Preschool Community is led each week by Mike and Doris Alderink
Music is led by Heidi Sweet
Teachers are Nancy Richter and Sara Nist
Kids' Community |
Worshiped with our student band, VOO, and the entire Student Community Group!
Kids learned that God has to make promises to even unbelievers.
Kids learned that because hell is a real place, our hearts are all the more grateful for Jesus's death and resurrection, paying our price so that we don't have to, but instead get salvation and heaven.
Kids’ Community is led by two teams that each serve twice monthly:
1) Lisa Burkes - teacher, Barbara Mussler- girls’ leader, Andy Nist - boys’ leader
2) Kristin Livermore - teacher, Patti Fraley - girls’ leader, Todd Barrett- boys’ leader
Children's Worship |
"A New Beginning" was the story of Noah and the flood God sent- God's grace was the cause of saving his people, not people's goodness.
Gen. 6:5, "The LORD saw that the human heart was only evil."
Memorizing Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Thanked God for sending Jesus to solve the problem of sin in the world and for promising to one day make the world perfect again.
Led by Pastor Steve Sandvig and Mr. Chuck Boots
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