Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sunday In Review - Sept. 28

Rooted In Jesus
  • Children sang songs like:   “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “The  Caterpillar Song,”  and “The B-I-B-L-E."
  • Children learned that God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us grow.
  • Preschool Community is led each week by Mike and Doris Alderink
  • Music is led by Heidi Sweet
  • Teachers are Nancy Richter and Sara Nist

Faithful to All His Promises
Kids' Community

  • Worshiped with our student band, VOO, and the entire Student Community Group!
  • Kids learned that God has to make promises to even unbelievers.
  • Kids learned that because hell is a real place, our hearts are all the more grateful for Jesus's death and resurrection, paying our price so that we don't have to, but instead get salvation and heaven.
  • Kids’ Community is led by two teams that each serve twice monthly:

1) Lisa Burkes - teacher, Barbara Mussler- girls’ leader, Andy Nist - boys’  leader
2) Kristin Livermore - teacher, Patti Fraley - girls’ leader, Todd Barrett- boys’ leader

Children's Worship

  • "A New Beginning" was the story of Noah and the flood God sent- God's grace was the cause of saving his people, not people's goodness.
  • Gen. 6:5, "The LORD saw that the human heart was only evil." 
  • Memorizing Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,  Deuteronomy
  • Thanked God for sending Jesus to solve the problem of sin in the world and for promising to one day make the world perfect again.
  • Led by Pastor Steve Sandvig and Mr. Chuck Boots

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