Read the whole post or just the Truth Section or just the Dare Section. So fun!
Truth: I am sad to see Christ Community's summer sermon series on the Ten Commandments come to an end. I am still ruminating on the teaching; still surprised by the depth of this "good" book (and for the record, who coined that term? What an underwhelming term for the inspired word of God!); still needing to look more deeply into this mirror, to face the necessary changes with grace and courage.
Dare: How to Kill "Church Greeting Time" in 10 Easy Steps:
It's that time in the worship service again. Check your breath, fix on a smile, and greet someone! Only today you are instructed to "Confess your sins one to another during today's Greeting Time, and you will be healed. Model this special confession after the Ten Commandments."
Take a deep breath, turn to your unsuspecting seat neighbor, and begin:
"Hi! I am Sara. I...
- set myself up as God,
- am an idolater,
- abuse of God's name,
- keep an unholy Sabbath Day,
- dishonor my mother and father,
- am a murderer,
- am an adulterer,
- am a stealer, [not to be confused with Steeler - little preseason football humor],
- bear false witness against a whole lotta people,
- and I am also a coveter. I not only set myself up as God, I want other things more than I want God, too." "What's that, you say? You are looking for the closest exit?"
Truth: A favorite quote from the sermon on the 8th Commandment, You shall not steal: "You become like your offering. The treasure you seek becomes the master you serve." Here is what I wrote in my journal the next morning:
- If I treasure my family's happiness above God, my family's happiness (or lack thereof) will master me.
- If I treasure my own comfort, then I will be a slave to pursuing what feels good.
- If I treasure Christ - living to make much of God - Jesus will remain rightly as my Lord and Master, and "all these things will be added to me as well" ("these" meaning the kingdom of God and his righteousness, not my family's happiness and my comfort!).
Dare: "You become like your offering. The treasure you seek becomes the master you serve." What "treasure" is threatening to become your master?
- Do you treasure nutrition for your family?
- Do you treasure education for your family?
- Do you treasure manis & pedis and highlights and your family?
- Do you treasure social media to promote your family?
- Do you treasure cultural enrichment for your family?
- Do you treasure your well-appointed, crazy-high mortgaged home for your family?
You get the idea! Consider what threatens to master you. Often, where our thoughts go the fastest is the path to follow to find our true master.
Truth: When we treasure Christ, we see what a gracious, giving, joyful master He is. How do you know when He is your Master? Here is a glimpse: When, after catching a child doing wrong and I harshly appoint consequences, Christ has not been my Master. When the Holy Spirit nudges me to speak or act in a way out of character for me that blesses another, Christ has been my Master.
Treasuring Christ is not a one-time, forever declaration. Treasuring Christ is a moment-by-moment surrender to the Holy Spirit of God within- acting in obedience. Treasuring Christ is devoting your time to getting to know the God who intimately knows you; devoting your talents to serving the God who has served you.
Dare: Take some time to prayerfully ask yourself this question at the end of the day for the next several days:
What did I treasure today? (Where did I invest my thoughts, efforts, money, affection?)
Could I stand before Christ and say, "You are my treasure!"?
And when you fail (because you will), will you preach the gospel to yourself?
All my efforts could never be sufficient to treasure Christ in the manner He is due. But grace abounds! Jesus perfectly fulfilled the 10 Commandments because I never could. Today, I confess to you Lord that I treasured _______________________ above Christ. Forgive me! Thank you that you clean me up to present me blameless before our Father. Thank you for treasuring me so much that you sent Christ for me.
For your glory!
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